Class of 2020
Isabel LaMae Pheifer
Parents: Curt and Kristi Pheifer
How many years at DCS: Preschool-12th Grade
Activities involved in: Volleyball, basketball, track, archery, choir, yearbook editor, student council, chapel committee, and boys’ basketball stats
Favorite Subjects: Grammar/writing
Favorite Memory: Making a video in world history class. In the video, Isabel and two other classmates attempted to ride a kayak in a ditch full of water on a cold fall day; the kayak tipped over and one of her partners got mono.
Favorite Bible Verses: 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." Psalm 32:7 "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance."
College and Major: Dordt University, undecided
Advice to Younger Classmen: Trying to be perfect is a waste of time. God made us to be imperfect people, and he knows you will mess up. It's okay to mess up sometimes, just move on and always give your best effort no matter what.
Trevor Jon Timmermans
Parents: Aaron and Renae Timmermans
How many years at DCS? 14 years at DCS, Preschool-12th grade
Activities involved in: Basketball, track, and Chapel committee
Favorite Subjects: History and Geography
Favorite Memory: An eight-game winning streak in basketball during his freshman year
Favorite Bible Verses: John 14:6
College and Major: Southeast Technical Institute- Business Administration
Advice to Younger Classmen: "Try, but don't try hard."
Hannah Jane Hansum
Parents: Anthony and Judy Hansum
How many years at DCS? 12 years
Activities involved in: Band, choir, archery, trap, and cheerleading
Favorite Subjects: Band
Favorite Memory: Receiving first place in marching band two years in a row
Favorite Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:31
College and Major: Music education but undecided on college
Advice to Younger Classmen: "Don't let fear from stop you from going out of your comfort zone."
Karleah Christine Pheifer
Parents: Randy and Nancy Pheifer
How many years at DCS? 13 Years
Activities involved in: Band, choir, cheerleading, archery, student council, chapel committee, and yearbook
Favorite Subjects: Literature and science
Favorite Memory: When she and her classmates visited Noah at his house on her birthday during the school day
Favorite Bible Verses: Jeremiah 29:11
College and Major: University of Sioux Falls for either Medical Laboratory Technology or Accounting
Advice to Younger Classmen: "Go the extra mile; it pays off in the end."
Kelsey Jo VanderPol
Parents: Corey and Denise VanderPol
How many years at DCS? 14 years
Activities involved in: Band, choir, chapel committee, archery, cheerleading, and golf
Favorite Subjects: Science
Favorite Memory: She anticipates her favorite memory to be her favorite senior class trip to Chicago
Favorite Bible Verses: Hebrews 6:19
College and Major: Black Hills State University for Applied Health Sciences
Advice to Younger Classmen: "Yes, grades are important, but don't waste all your time in high school being stressed out. It all goes by in the blink of an eye, so enjoy it."
Gaberial David Baas
Parents: Paul and Judy Baas
How many years at DCS? 12 years at DC
Activities involved in: Football, wrestling, band, choir, and student council
Favorite Subjects: Social Studies
Favorite Memory: Anticipates it will be the class trip to Chicago
Favorite Bible Verses: 1 Timothy 4:12 “Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity."
College and Major: Southeast Technical Institute for Plumbing
Advice to Younger Classmen: "Don't forget to enjoy the little things in life. It will help the school year go by faster and give you a positive outlook."
Melanie Marie Mudder
Parents: Jim and Samantha Mudder
How many years at DCS? 14 years. Preschool- 12th grade
Activities involved in: Volleyball, basketball stats, cheerleading, golf, and chapel committee
Favorite Subjects: Lunch and study hall
Favorite Memory: Anticipates it will be the class trip to Chicago
Favorite Bible Verses: Job 42:2 "For I know you can do anything and no one can stop you."
College and Major: Black Hills State University for Elementary Education
Advice to Younger Classmen: "Have fun but do your school work; procrastinating is okay but don't procrastinate everything."